Performance Fiberglass Fly Rods

Back again this year is my series of multi-piece
flyrods. These rods are built on very high modulus glass
layups that produce the lightest possible fiberglass rods.
They use spigot ferrules and are available in three piece
and six piece in 6' 6" and 7' and three piece only in 6'.
The in hand weight of
them is about the same as similar size graphite rods,
though the action is a bit softer. They are ideal for
small stream fishing and delicate presentation.
They are built with curly maple, sliding ring reel
seats. The wraps are golden brown with cream trim.
Guides are standard hard chrome snakes with black
ceramic insert strippers. The grips are good full
cigar, turned from the highest quality cork available.
For the fisher looking for the lightness of graphite
with the action and delicateness of cane, these rods
are the choice. Complete specifications and
prices are available on my prices page.

My glass rods have been very well received since I introduced them several years ago; however
I have had several requests for a screwlock type reel seat rather than the cap and ring seat I've been using.

Since the blank diameter is so large with glass rods it was hard to find a screwlock seat that would work that wasn't overly bulky. I've found a very nice nickel silver with burl Madrone wood insert skeleton seat to use with the glass rods. As you can see in the picture on the left this model is a very nice fit. As an added benefit of the screwlock seat, it has a much greater tolerance for nonstandard reel feet.
The rods above are all three of the three piece models: 7', 6'6", and 6'.
I think you'll agree
they are quite attractive.