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Two years ago I began stocking the Sage 1201 disk drag fly reel. It is a medium size, high qualilty, powder coated, cast and machined fly reel rated for 4 to 6 wt fly lines with adequate backing. Weight is just under 4 oz. The reel sells for $65, with extra spools available for $32. I think you will be quite impressed with the quality look and smooth performance of these value oriented fly reels. The model 1401 is also available for the same price. It is rated for line sizes 7 or 8 wt with adequate backing. If you are looking for a good tough reel for a very good price, give one of these reels a try.

An even better value is the combo package that includes the reel, a weight forward fly line and a spool of backing all for $80. Since I have cut back on shows, I am not stocking the reels anymore and will have to special order them. They are always in stock at Sage and I can get delivery on them in a week. These reels are a good value and well worth your consideration.

Please note that, as I said on my Prices page, I will also be offering all of the Sage large-arbor fly reels on special order. You can see all of the various models on the Sage web page. For prices and ordering give me a call.

Dave Lewis
Performance Fly Rods
5798 Singers Glen Rd.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
540/867-0856 Phone

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Write to, Dave Lewis